Thursday, August 22, 2013

Protein Powder

Protein Powder

The reason people take protein powder is because it helps the muscle tissue to fix itself and speeds up the recovery process. This means you recover sooner and will be stronger and bigger more quickly. Athletes who do weight training will usually take a serving of protein powder straight after a training session and they will sometimes will take a protein powder serving beforehand as well.

You might be wondering why take protein powder? Why not just eat high protein whole foods? There are a lot of good reasons to supplement your diet with protein powder and I will discuss a few of them now.

Before we begin, all foods have what is called a biological value and the higher the biological value the more protein can be absorbed by the body from that food. High quality protein powder will usually have a biological value near to 100% whereas high protein foods biological value vary. For example eggs have a biological value of 93%, fish 76%, lean beef 74%. If you have just finished a weight training workout you will be in an anabolic state for a small time window and you need to get protein to the stressed muscle parts you have just worked on. Protein powder is the fastest way to do that.

Another reason is that a good quality protein powder will have a range of essential branch chain amino acids specifically profiled for muscle growth. Most high protein foods have amino acids too but it is hit and miss as to whether or not they are in the optimum portions for muscle recovery.

Thirdly, if you are trying to build muscle you will need to be consuming approximately 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. And even if you are wanting to maintain your current muscle mass you will need 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight. To get that amount of protein from whole foods is really challenging not to mention expensive in comparison to protein powder.

What is the optimum protein powder? The answer to that question depends on your body type. The two most common types are hard-gainers and normal metabolism. Hard gainers need a high calorie protein powder that has more carbs. If you have a normal metabolism a protein powder with low carbs will suit you better.

A typical protein powder has serving sizes consisting of approximately 23-26 grams of protein. Folks with normal metabolism trying to increase weight would consume a double serving of protein powder immediately after a workout and single or double servings throughout the day to get to your optimum daily protein intake. There is one caveat though - whole food should still be your major source of protein.

A hard gainer would follow the same routine however, if you find you are putting on too much weight around the middle, it might be a good idea to mix your protein with a low carb version to reduce the calories per serve while maintaining the protein serving size required. Again, whole foods in the form of eggs, and lean meats should be your main source of protein.

Something else serious bodybuilders do is cycle their protein powder from brand to brand so your body doesn't get accustomed to one type of protein powder and potentially lower the effects you get from them. Additionally, if you are getting close to a competition of some sort you will need to minimize your fat levels and so changing to a protein powder with a different profile for different stages of your cycle is necessary.

If you are finding it hard to take the full daily protein amount some folks will add protein powder to their foods. For example, mixing a protein powder serving to slow cooked rolled oats is one way to increase protein intake without adding a lot of mass to your food volume.

To answer the original question - what is the best protein powder? You need to find the best protein powder for you and your goals. Go to a reputable sports nutrition website and tell them what you are training for. If what they say is similar to what you have read here today they probably know what they are talking about.

About Author: To find our more check out this Protein Powder resource.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A View Of The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

A View Of The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

The food pyramid we're most familiar with is based on portion size and does not take into account the different qualities of food sources. It's assumed that everyone knows that all processing done to food serves to make it more harmful. Unfortunately common knowledge and common practice often do not go hand in hand. As people do learn that whole food choices offer health benefits over the more typical processed food choices, they are seeking out suggestions for what foods to put together into a dietary plan. The Mediterranean diet is increasing in popularity because it is not based on popularized fads but rather a model which comes from literally thousands of years of use. The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of the Mediterranean area, particularly Italy, Greece, and Spain. Understanding how the Mediterranean Diet differs from the typical American diet can help us to improve our eating habits and enjoy improved health through enjoyable dietary changes. A Mediterranean diet pyramid would start with red meat at the top as the source of animal protein which is consumed the least in a Mediterranean diet. Under that we find eggs, poultry and fish and the common sources of animal protein. Next, we find cheese, yogurt and other milk products. Extra virgin olive oil is the most common source of fat in the Mediterranean diet pyramid. Not only does it give the diet a distinctive, and full, flavor, olive oil is also an excellent source of antioxidants. On the next level of the Mediterranean diet pyramid, we find fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and nuts. These are eaten in great variety and raw or lightly cooked. Pickled foods are eaten for flavorful variety in a Mediterranean diet, but not as a staple as is commonly with the highly processed intake of the typical American diet. At the last level, we find bread, pasta, rice, couscous, polenta and other whole grains and potatoes. Again, where this differs from the typical America diet is that these sources are whole grain and not filled with the levels of preservatives. The lower amount of processing also improves fiber density. In any diet, the general proportions of intake are such that the calories are split between 20% protein, 30% fat and 50% carbs. The Mediterranean diet pyramid isn't much different in this mix, but rather in the quality and variety of foods eaten. The lesson to be learned from the Mediterranean diet is that fresh, whole foods provide a dietary benefit over the highly processed foods that make up the most of the typical American diet. Eliminating processed foods entirely is probably not necessary, but they should not be the majority of what we eat, but rather the occasional variance.

About Author: Dave Saunders is a professional lecturer, and certified nutritional educator. He enjoys creating interconnections through his writings and lectures to help others create context and see new discoveries and technologies in more a practical light. You can find out more about new discoveries in health and nutrition at

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Monday, August 19, 2013

The Raw Food Diet, What Is It?

The Raw Food Diet, What Is It?

Have you started hearing about the Raw Food Diet? It's gaining popularity and buzz, not just as a diet to lose weight, but a diet for a long and healthy life. We eat so much in the way of processed food that we don't even stop to think about what we're putting into our bodies, and how far we've come nutritionally from our ancestral, agrarian roots. A raw food diet means consuming food in its natural, unprocessed form. There are several common-sense rationales for why this is a good idea. Processing and cooking food can take so much of the basic nutritional value away. Think of some of the conventional wisdom you've heard about for years, such as: If you cook pasta just to the al dente (or medium) stage, it will have more calories, yes, but it will have more the nutritional value in it than if you cooked it to a well-done stage. Or you probably remember hearing not to peel carrots or potatoes too deeply, because most of the nutrients and values are just under the surface. The raw food diet means eating unprocessed, uncooked, organic, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. It means a diet that is at least 75% uncooked! Cooking takes out flavor and nutrition from vegetables and fruits. A raw food diet means eating more the way our ancient ancestors did. Our healthier, more fit ancestors. They cooked very little, and certainly didn't cook or process fruits and vegetables. They ate them RAW. Their water wasn't from a tap; it was natural, spring water. Maybe they drank some coconut milk on occasion. Doesn't it just make sense that this is how our bodies were meant to eat? It's a way of eating that's in harmony with the planet and in harmony with our own metabolisms. Our bodies were meant to work, and need to work to be efficient. That means exercise, certainly, but it also means eating natural, raw foods that require more energy to digest them. Why The Raw Food Diet Because cooking takes so many nutrients and vitamins OUT of food, you automatically start feeding your body what it needs when you stop cooking food and start eating uncooked, nutrient-rich foods. A raw carrot has exponentially more nutrition than a cooked carrot. Cooking also alters the chemistry of foods, often making them harder to digest. Why do we have so many digestive problems in this country? Because we're putting foods into our bodies in a form that we weren't designed to absorb. High fiber, high water content fresh produce abolishes constipation of the bowels, cells and circulatory system. Obstructions are cleared and blood flow increases to each and every cell in the body. Enhanced blood flow is significant for two reasons: as mentioned above, blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to living cells, and carries away their toxic metabolites. Obesity is endemic in this country. The diet industry is more profitable than the oil companies. Why? Because the way we eat and prepare our food practically guarantees that we'll overeat. Psychologists tell us that we overeat because our souls are hungry. But in reality, our bodies are hungry, even though we may feel full. When you start giving your body the nutrients it craves, overeating will cease. Eating raw foods is a boost to your metabolism as well. It takes a little more energy to digest raw foods, but it's a healthy process. Rather than spending energy to rid itself of toxins produced by cooking food, the body uses its energy to feed every cell, sending vitamins, fluids, enzymes and oxygen to make your body the efficient machine it was intended to be. You'll naturally stop overeating, because your body and brain will no longer be starving for the nutrients they need. A starving brain will trigger the thoughts that make you overeat. The brain and the rest of your body don't need quantity; they need quality.

About Author: Did you find those tips on 'The Raw Food Diet' useful? If so,you can find out more about it here:

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Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine

Science has shown multiple times that a healthy diet and lifestyle are the prime factors in overall health and wellbeing. Consuming the correct proportions of vitamins and minerals from original food sources can combat many symptoms of poor health such as extra weight, fatigue, and even many illnesses. In fact, there is a growing consensus of individuals promoting and living a lifestyle where food is used as a form of medicine. Comfort Food Food has long been used as a source of comfort or relaxation, much like alcohol and some medications, but that is not the focus here. Food used for comfort or recreational purposes is not always a healthy choice and can, in some situations, lead to serious health problems such as extra weight or emotional dependence on those food sources. This is far from the concept using food as a source of good nutrition and as a means to heal the body naturally. Age Old Wisdom The philosophy of using wise food choices to heal the body is not recent. Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates advised against chemicals to heal the body if food could provide the same results. While individuals adhered to this wisdom for centuries, within the last fifty to one hundred years, this manner of thinking has been lost, or rather, replaced by fortifications and multivitamins. Vitamins Fortified foods are not of the same caliber as fresh authentic sources of vitamins and minerals. While multivitamins and fortified foods will beat serious vitamin deficiencies, the human body has no substitute for food in its most natural state. The sheer number of vitamins and health boosting agents in a serving of fresh vegetables makes multivitamins obsolete. Studies have proven many times over that it is far better to consume wholesome foods to obtain the full range of required vitamins than to take any number of supplements or pills. In fact, some components of multivitamins, such as folic acid, might have some dangers in an unnatural form. Food as Medicine Healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables or meats, dairy and high fiber carbohydrates, contain the full amount of vitamins and minerals required on a daily basis. In addition to simply helping the body perform at the optimum level, these antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals also contribute to preventing overall aging as well as chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. A healthy diet can also thwart osteoporosis, diabetes, and as whole foods boost the total immune system, it is also possible for diet to play a strong role in preventing common colds and other routine illnesses. While it is important to consume as many healthy and balanced foods as possible every day, it is equally important to not damage overall health by consuming foods that actually harm the body. The toxins released from foods such as French fries and highly processed refined sugars can have negative effects on overall health erasing the benefits of other, more healthful selections. By making wise, whole food choices, individuals can obtain even greater health benefits than they had previously thought possible.

About Author: Food for Health. Food For Weight Control. Food as Medicine . Everything About Food Nutrition Such As Vital Vitamins, Dietary Minerals, Fibre, Fat and Carbohydrate.

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

An Affair Worth Ending: Fuel and Food

by Julie Hitchcock

Food. Lets face it, who doesn’t love good food, we love to eat it, grill it, serve it and share it with love ones. Every thing from the famed Thanksgiving meal where the table is sagging with the weight of hot delicious foods, to summer picnics with cold salads and sandwiches, food in many ways defines our lives. But its not as simple as we would like it to be, once just a story about land and a farmer, it is now an epic tale dripping all along the way with oil.

Not so long ago, food was grown just outside of town, often organically, picked by hand and delivered at the peak of freshness to small grocery stores. Today its a much different process for most of our foods. Did you know average food item travels well over 1,500 miles, and that’s just the final leg of its fuel filled life. Lets take a closer look at our food footprint.

The love affair between food and fuel..

  1. Tilling- the turning over of the soil to prepare for planting as well as disrupting of any weeds that may have sprouted. This is most often done with a tractor.
  2. Planting- A HUGE machine goes up and down the rows dropping seeds, burning five gallons of fuel for every acre planted.
  3. Spraying- Pesticide or Herbicide both are applied multiple times in a growing season by the same machine.
  4. Harvesting- Once again the HUGE machine makes its ways up and down the rows grabbing produce a week or so before its fully ripe.
  5. Processing- This step involves every thing from sorting, washing and packaging produce, to converting it from a whole food to a “food like substance” as Michael Pollon would say. It is a highly material and energy intensive process on both the food and packaging side of the equation.
  6. Shipping- Two to three separate journeys mostly semi trucks but also planes, boats, or trains
  7. Retail- Here along with its jet setting friends you food awaits you.

After looking closer at that journey the food doesn’t look nearly so appetizing..

There is a better way. There are a few easy ways to cut down your food miles, and start living green solutions.

  1. Farmers markets are a great place to meet your farmer and learn about where you food comes from. More and more are popping up all the time across the country.
  2. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), which are available in many cities, where you buy a share of the farms harvest in the spring and receive a weekly box over flowing with seasonal bounty.
  3. Support small farms, they tend to use more hand labor for planting, picking and weeding which keeps food footprint incredibly low, as well as employing more people.
  4. Minimizing the amount of processed food is also cuts back on the fuel required.
  5. Avoid packaging to the best of your ability, always check for items in the bulk isle before going to the packaged products.

Here are some great links and websites to learn more about food, food production and other related items to our food system.

  4.,or.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=YK9hTbXvJoecsQPimfm6CA&ved=0CE4QsAQ&biw=1273&bih=610(this is a Google image search and has many graphs and charts)
  5. more facts and figures- some will make your jaw drop)

Some foods can’t be grown locally and that’s okay, pomegranates to Wisconsin, pineapples to Oregon, and oranges to Maine. Its okay to ship those foods, if they are in the minority. If most of our food came from a local grower, and was seasonally appropriate, having those rare special treats shipped in to us isn’t such a big deal. Its just a matter of small steps to arrive at big solutions. Ive given you a few ideas today, for more check out Going Green Today for many small steps to Big Change.

About Author: GoingGreenToday : a collection of writers committed to Green Living and distributing practical green information through articles. Scott Ankeny, founder, created GGT to inspire and teach 1/3 of the United States on how to reduce 1/3 of their Carbon Footprint. Since then he has been joined by dozens of popular authors and Green experts to focus on practical green living solutions. If you want to learn how you can personally be Going Green Today , visit our website at and get a free custom

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vitamin C, The Master Nutrient, Part II: Deficiencies & Food Sources

While an acute deficiency of the C complex causes scurvy and is not common in America today, many health care professionals feel that most people are not consuming optimal amounts. Early signs of possible deficiency include easy bruising and bleeding, receding and bleeding gums, fatigue and greater than normal susceptibility to colds and other infections, poor digestion, slow wound healing time and rough skin. A prolonged deficiency in vitamin C is the well known cause of scurvy, which symptoms include not only bleeding and bruising easily, but hair and tooth loss as well as joint pain and swelling. These symptoms seem to be related to the weakening of the bone, blood vessels and connective tissue, which all contain collagen. The formation of collagen in the body depends on the C Vitamin complex. Synergistic Effect of Vitamins C, E and Beta Carotene Vitamin C has been shown to work synergistically with beta carotene and vitamin E. This means that they help each other to perform their functions better than when taken alone. Vitamins E and C tend to extend the effect of other antioxidants in the body. Using whole food sources and eating a good, natural diet will help to ensure that your C does work synergistically with a host of other nutrients. Substances That Can Deplete C Levels in Your Body Cigarettes can cause a serious depletion of the C vitamin, so if you haven't stopped smoking yet, you might want to make sure you eat lots of foods high in the C complex, and/or take a supplement. Other substances that can cause reduced levels of C include alcohol and many medications, like oral contraceptives, steroids, antidepressants, analgesics (like aspirin and acetaminophen), anticoagulants and tetracycline. Injury or trauma has been shown to use up very large quantities of the C vitamin. Best Food Sources Camu camu berries are one of the best natural food sources of Vitamin C. In fact, they contain 30 times more C than oranges! Other good food sources include acerola and amla berries, red peppers, parsley, kiwis, broccoli, strawberries, other citrus fruits, rose hips, grasses, like barley grass, leafy green vegetables, cultured cabbage (real sauerkraut) and chlorella. When searching out your food sources of the C complex, it is worth looking for organic sources, as they have been shown to have higher level of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. You also need to eat some of it raw, and try to cook the vegetables lightly so as to not destroy as much of the C vitamin. In any case, don't forget to include some vitamin C in your diet every day!

About Author: Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural weight loss and more. Find out more by visiting EcoViva or The Truth About Vitamins.

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Friday, August 16, 2013


What are processed foods?

Processed foods have been altered from their natural state for convenience and for safety reasons.

It is mainly to increase shelf life, so that foods stay fresh longer. If it's boxed, bagged, canned or jarred it is processed.

What are the methods used to process foods?

Canning, freezing, refrigeration, dehydration and aseptic processing. In Aseptic processing, the food product and the package is sterilized separately. In canning, both the item and package are sealed as one and unit and sterilized together.

What are some examples of processed foods?

Examples of processed foods:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Canned foods (usually with a lot of sodium in it)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->White breads and pastas made with refined white flour, not whole grains.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Packaged high calorie snack foods- chips and cheese snacks.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->High fat convenience foods- cans of ravioli

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Frozen fish sticks and frozen dinners

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Packaged cakes and cookies

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Boxed meal mixes

<!--[if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->Processed lunch meats (one of the worst)

What is so bad about these foods?

These foods are not as healthy as fresh foods. They contain bad fats (trans fats ), saturated fats and a large amount of sodium and sugar, or “empty calories”.

What else is in processed foods?


<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->colors

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->stabilizers ( used to give the food an even texture)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->emulsifiers (to create a pleasing, consistent blend between

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->water soluble and oil soluble components)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->bleaches ( to disinfect)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->texturizers (too keep things crispy and crunchy)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->softeners (to keep bread nice and soft)

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->preservatives

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->sweeteners

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->flavorings

<!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->chemicals to hide odors

What does all of this have to do with cancer ?

Fresh fruits and veggies contain cancer fighting phyto-chemicals that are lacking in processed foods. These natural phyto-chemicals work synergistically to prevent oxidative damage that can lead to free radical production and cellular death. Free radicals cause membrane damage and communication between cells becomes hindered. A single cell does not receive the signal to stop, and it begins to divide and spread, leading to cancer. Processed food lack natural vitamins and minerals that ensure proper growth, vitality, health, prevention or even cure of many chronic diseases such as cancer. Some vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants or are part of antioxidants that occur naturally in our body.

What about the sugar in processed foods?

Sugar feeds cancer cells and also reduces immunity. One teaspoon of sugar reduces immunity by three hours. Cancer cells are being formed everyday, but are removed naturally from our body. Immune cells can not remove cells that are not functioning optimally, including those cells that have been infected by bacteria and viruses. Some bacteria and viruses are known to have a direct link to cancer.

What about the sodium in processed foods?

High sodium has been shown to increase hypertension and cancer. Reducing sodium alone does not work, and one needs to increase potassium intake also. Normally we get twice the amount of sodium than potassium. A ratio of 5:1 potassium to sodium is recommended.

What about the other additives in processed foods?

Other additives in our foods have also been directly linked to many different types of cancer. These additives in processed food lead to allergic reactions and toxicity in our bodies. A good intake of water is one way to cleanse these toxins out of our body.

Why is water intake so important?

With dehydration, the blood becomes thick and saturated with toxins. The toxic wastes accumulate and create an acidic medium. Acidic environments are bad. Since the cells do not have proper oxygenation and nutrition, they change in form and function to survive. They live by fermentation rather than normal oxidative mechanisms and cancer.

In sum:

Avoiding processed foods as much as possible prevents not only cancer, but a host of other diseases. A DASH diet is recommended ( dietary approaches to stop hypertension). This diet focuses on whole food diet made up of vegetables, legumes, and whole grains which are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, and high in fiber.

This diet prevents not only cancer , but hypertension. It is an excellent alternative to processed foods. Fresh fruits and veggies are actually less expensive than processed foods.

About Author: Joe marc is a highly qualified doctor and has successfully treated large number of cancer patients. His service has been extremely beneficial and has brought smiles to many patients. He also provides free advice for cancer patients to overcome their problem.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Holistic Cat Food Recipe As Best Cat Food

Holistic Cat Food Recipe As Best Cat Food

Veterinarians across the world have declared that obesity is one of the most common issues seen in our pets. The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that 53% of cats are overweight with 19% being truly obese (Thorndyke). In England, estimates are that at least 50% of all pets are obese (Why diabetes among cats…). These tubby kitties are simply eating too much cat food!

While it can sometimes be harder to tell that a cat is becoming a senior citizen, and at other times it appears to happen overnight, these seniors do have requirements that are different to an adult cat. In order to keep a senior cat healthy, it is important to know what the best dry cat food with good cat nutrition to feed it.

healthy homemade cat food -

it’s always important to provide a moist diet for all cat’s health, but it is particularly important for the senior cat. Creating an age appropriate healthy homemade cat food is sometimes the best natural cat food for these cats, as you can gauge the moisture level of the cat food, as well as the type of ingredients. Diets lower in carbohydrates always have a higher moisture content.

The majority of cats live their lives on a dry commercial kibble. The problem with this is that dry cat food is basically grain cereal for kitties. It has a very high carbohydrate level of around 30% or so; whereas, cats need very little carbohydrates in their diet.

Best dry cat food and even raw meals may prove too challenging for a senior cat. The best natural cat food is one that recognizes this likely issue. A healthy homemade cat food meal that can be minced or puréed can provide the cat with a pleasing texture that is easy to eat. The best natural cat food for a senior cat is one that is both tasty and smells aromatic. This often means a warmed meal, as warm food gives off more odors. A healthy homemade cat food that relies heavily on fresh ingredients is also likely to have a more pleasing aroma and including strong meat scents is one way to entice the older cat to eat its meals. Unfortunately, obesity robs a cat of valuable life. It puts a strain on the heart and lungs, makes mobility more difficult, stresses the joints, and tires the cat out. Additionally, there are increased health risks like diabetes that is more prevalent in older, fatter cats. The natural cat food recipes manage a cat’s weight by providing the necessary nutrients and energy needs without overdoing it.

Homemade best drycat food cannot be made in large batches. Best dry cat food is made in small amounts and stored in airtight containers to preserve freshness. But, the best part about it is that you can continually rotate the
kibble you choose to make, thus providing your cat with a variety of ingredients and protein sources. To make other varieties of best dry cat food, you simply vary the grains used, the proteins, and even add in small amount of vegetables.

As for the best cat food to help him maintain an ideal weight, try natural meals high in protein, high in moisture, and low in carbohydrates. One of the easiest ways to feed the best cat food is to create a homemade diet yourself. It is easy to make your own healthy homemade cat food, and best of all, you can control the overall nutrition and quality of the cat food.

natural cat food recipes -
A natural cat food recipes that focuses primarily on protein keeps a cat in better physical shape by allowing the cat to eat more naturally. Protein, instead of excess carbohydrates, is used for energy. This means that there aren’t any carbohydrates to turn into sugar and be stored as fat. Homemade meals made with natural cat food recipes are often the most appropriate choice for the best cat food for a senior cat.

cat cookie recipes -
Baking cookies for cat food is a fun and easy way to spoil your cat using healthy and tasty ingredients full of cat nutrition. Most cats enjoy an occasional extra morsel and with a few basic cat cookie recipes, turning out your next batch is just around the corner!

Feeding your cat a delicious, homemade cat food is a way to show your cat you love him. Be forewarned! Most kitties don’t want to go back to store-bought treats when they’ve had a taste of these. And why buy treats when you have easy cat cookie recipes like these? Lets’ learn more cat cookie recipes to entice your kitty.

Cat Cookies Recipes from Momma’s Gourmet Cat Meals by Frank-Temple


1 cup whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon catnip

1/3 cup milk

1/3 cup powdered milk

2 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil

¼ soy flour

1 egg

2 tablespoons wheat germ

1 tablespoon unsulfured molasses


cat food recipe - holistic cat

food considers the cat as a whole system. The ingredients are whole and natural,nothing artificial or chemical is added, and they are geared towards the benefit of the cat nutrition. Homemade cooking of cat food is the perfect place for holistic cat food recipe. All one needs to start is a great holistic cat food recipe.

A good holisticcat food recipe is balanced and full of cat nutrition but also steers clear of unnecessary additives, colorants, preservatives, etc. These are not naturally occurring or provide any health benefit for a
cat. Any fine quality, whole foods, homemade cat food can be holistic in nature. These are just a few of the possibilities for a holistic cat food recipe. For more information and ideas for holistic cat food recipe, cat nutrition, healthy homemade cat food, cat cookie recipes, cat food, natural cat food, best dry cat food, natural cat food recipes visit

About Author: This is simon katiz as a article writer about cat food, best cat food, natural cat food, Best dry cat food, Cat cookie recipes. This will be very helpful for other, who want to visits

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Protein Is Important For Building Muscle

Why Protein Is Important For Building Muscle

There is no doubt that protein plays an important role in building muscle mass. In fact, without enough protein in your daily diet, building muscle will be impossible. Any growth promoting process that occurs in your body requires protein. It is the single most abundant substance in the body, next to water. It is in every organ in your body. It is essential for blood, hormone, and enzyme production, as well as optimal immune system function. Protein is required for optimal muscle tissue growth and repair. The more muscle you have, the more protein you require. Resistance training places a huge demand for protein by the body. If you do not supply your body with enough protein, it will take it from your muscles, which is called catabolism (muscle breakdown). If you go any length of time without eating, your body will attack muscle tissue for its protein requirements. Your body literally starts to 'break itself down' It is a must to supply your body with adequate protein every three to four hours. This ensures your body of maintaining adequate levels. Protein can be obtained from whole food and from protein supplements. Try to get your protein from whole food sources first. However, eating whole food sources high in protein every three to four hours can be difficult. This is where the protein supplements like whey protein shakes or meal replacements come in handy. As far as whole food sources, get your protein from lean sources like chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meats, eggs, milk, soy products, and legumes. As far as protein supplements, the most effective protein source with the highest biological value (it is utilized most effectively by the body) is whey protein. When purchasing a protein product, stick with a quality company and use a quality whey protein shake or whey and milk-derived meal replacement powder. These will help ensure your body gets its protein requirements. If you want to speed up fat loss and muscle gains, try replacing one or two of your whole food meals with a protein shake. It's a quick and easy way to cut out calories while increasing your protein intake. If you're serious about building muscle, you need to make sure you're getting enough protein in your daily diet.

About Author: Learn, step by step, how to build muscle mass, lose body fat, and get an amazing physique. Check out trainer Shawn Lebrun's workout and nutrition program: Get Huge And Shredded

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Meatless Food Pyramid. The Building Blocks To A Nutritious Vegetarian and Vegan Diet.

All food pyramids are not developed equal. The adored ?USDA Food Pyramid? that we all grew up with and were reminded of every single day in school, isn't going to quite fulfill the nutritional needs and desires of vegetarians and vegans. 2 reasons why some people fall off the 'vegetarian wagon' are; people don't 'feel full' or people say they become ill on a meat-free food plan. The biggest causes of these two ill symptoms of vegetarianism are rooted in one problem; the lack of nutritional foods and supplements to assist the body. Often times, vegetarians do not know how to eat correctly, thus, leading them to feel ill or not feeling full and satisfied from the foods they are consuming. This results in vegetarians loading up on veggie burgers, pre-packaged foods, pizza, cheese sandwiches and junk food, just to try to satisfy their hunger, all the while sacrificing their health.

To prevent vegetarians from failing at their life-style and diet plan; to prevent vegetarians and vegans from consuming an excessive amount of of the incorrect types of foods (i.e. veggie burgers, soy-based meat alternatives, and carbohydrates) and to prevent vegetarians from getting sick, here is a meatless food pyramid to empower vegetarians and vegans with the foods which they should focus on eating daily to assist their bodies and their appetites.

Vegetables and Fruits - The basis of your meat-free eating habits should be fresh vegetables; hence the word 'vegetarian.' Vegetarians really should eat at least 6 servings per day of vegetables and fruits. This is really important due to the fact the plant kingdom offers various nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals that vegetarians and vegans require to provide their bodies with energy and vitamins to support cell advancement and development. Avoid canned fruits and vegetables as these types of products really don't add much value to the body. As an alternative, opt to consume fresh or lightly steamed vegetables to maximize the healthy benefits that the plant kingdom has to supply. Vegetables and fruits are additionally filled with fiber and are a great way to naturally cleanse the body. Vegetarians will be astonished at how much more energized they can feel just by eating fresh vegetables and fruit.

Pasta, Rice, Whole Grains, Cereals, and Bread - Remember several years ago, everybody was 'anti-carbohydrates?' During that time, carbohydrates caught a poor rap. The secret is consuming complex carbohydrates in moderation. As a vegetarian, grains and pastas are a staple of this meatless diet. Vegetarians and vegans should not get rid of this main fuel from their diets. Just make sure to eat a minimum of 4 servings per day to support the functioning of the brain and supply your body amino acids.

Legumes (beans), Seeds, Nuts - Beans and nuts are fantastic options of healthy and balanced fats, fiber and proteins for your vegetarian diet. three servings is the ideal amount that vegetarians and vegans should eat to balance their meat-free diet. Try to keep away from canned beans due to the fact these beans are loaded with preservatives and salt. To genuinely receive the most nutritional value from beans, use dried beans cooked slowly in a crock-pot.

Meat Alternatives - Meat alternatives such as veggie burgers, textured vegetable protein (TVP), tempeh, tofu, and seitan should be limited to about 2 servings per day. It is far better to eat tofu, seitan, and tempeh then it is to consume the processed 'faux meat' foods on the market. The less processed the foods, the more nutrients vegetarians and vegans will receive from meat alternatives.

Fats, Oils, Sweets - Incorporate fats, sweets, and oils in to your sparringly. When deciding upon fats and oils to eat or cook with, make an effort to opt for the healthier fats for instance oils from Avocado and Olive Oil. You will apply the same principal for sweets. Try the use of agave or applesauce as sweetners as opposed to sugar. If sugar is all you have access to, try cooking with the raw sugar cane.

If you are a vegetarian that consumes dairy and eggs or a lacto-ovo vegetarian, then you want to make sure that you are consuming no more than 3 servings per day of dairy products such as cheese and milk. If you eat eggs then you should eat eggs sparingly. Only 2 to 3 times per week.

As a vegetarian, your major goal is to have a very nutritious and various diet that includes a variety of several meat-free foods. Eat a wide variety of the foods in the vegetarian and vegan pyramid to make sure that a strong dietary basis has been established to support the commitment to your meatless life style and the commitment to a healthy life.

About Author: EJ is the creator of Vegetarian Like Me, the vegetarian lifestyle blog designed to make you a healthier and more informed vegetarian and is also the host of Beyond the Garden, a vegetarian cooking experience/show that explores healthy foods. Enjoy cooking and eating meatless and vegan foods? Grab your cost-free with over 100 meat and dairy free recipes plus 5 Free Vegetarian Instructional Video Recipes by visiting Join hundreds of other vegetarians who have already experienced the simple but tasty method of making and eating vegetarian and vegan food.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Are You Getting Someone Else's Heartburn? Blessing Your Food and Water

Are You Getting Someone Else's Heartburn? Blessing Your Food and Water

In this age, we are acutely aware of the physical pollution in our foods. With the spinach scare and a peanut butter scare, we are on guard and most likely heading to our whole foods store instead of the local chain store market. But what about the pollution that you can not see, smell or taste? What about energetic pollution? I'm not talking about radiation (although many foods are irradiated), but about the energy that is impressed on to food and liquid as it is passed from person to person along the chain, from the growing to the distribution of a product. Each step along the way, people unknowingly impart their own energetic to the food as it passes their hands or their attention. If they happen to be in a negative energy pattern, that gets attached to the food or liquid. Then you eat or drink it and receive that energy. That's why food made with love is still the best food. This may not make you ill right away but, just like prolonged exposure to anything, it takes its toll. There are two major ways to head this off. One is to keep your own vibration strong through meditation, self-knowledge, releasing fear, deep breathing and having more contact with nature. The other way is to bless your food and water. All things are responsive to thought, emotion and words because everything is energy and intention. Dr. Emoto, a forward thinking Japanese scientist, has done experiments with water proving this. He would take a bit of water, say a word or phrase (or tape a word or phrase on the bottle) and flash freeze it. Then, looking with a special microscope, he examines the water crystals and sees that they change with each expression. Positive expressions create beautiful formations. Negative expressions create deformed structures. Since we are mostly created of water, you can get the idea of what this is doing to your own cell structure. I have learned from an Ascended Master teacher that we can use our power of intention to invoke the Divine and cleans our food or water of negative vibration. I received this information from an entity named Kwan Yin, known as a Divine Mother energy. I will give you the blessing as given to me: With these hands With this heart And with the pure intention of God This food/water is blessed Removing and transmuting all impurity Into the light forever. Amen / Om / Peace (Close any way you want to) You can also add: Bless this water, bless the source, and bless all water in the world. Now take about 30 seconds, or however long feels appropriate, and give gratitude for this which you are about to receive. Kwan Yin says to hold it in your hands like you would hold a newborn baby, feeling much love for it. Thank the earth for providing this and give thanks in general to all who have made this available to you. While this will still not delete or nullify any physical pollutants, it will at least relieve your sustenance from any negative energy which it may have carried up to this point -- in accordance with your belief system. Saying this blessing will bring your consciousness into a stream that will actually bring into your life not only food and water that is more pure, but will bring clarity to your energy too, as the more we focus on purity, the more it manifests in our life as a whole. Blessings and gratitude are another vehicle to bring our attention to the fact that all things are related and that by blessing one thing, we bring the Divine into all aspects of our life.

About Author: Craig Howell is a writer, a musician, and Director of The Eyes of Kwan Yin, a spiritual work. Marjorie has been channeling Kwan Yin since 1990. For FREE monthly and archived audio messages from the Masters, as well as books, CDs, events and gifts, please go to

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Are Synthetic Vitamins Making You Sicker?

Most vitamin supplements that are available in the market today, even in health food stores, are not natural, whole food based, but are synthetic, even if they are labeled 'natural'! What exactly does that mean, synthetic, and what's wrong with synthetic? First, let's explain a few terms: crystalline, synthetic and natural vitamins. When a vitamin says it is 'crystalline,' it means that a food was used as its original source, (so the label often says 'natural' vitamin), but then chemicals like solvents were used to turn it into a pure crystalline vitamin. All the other co-factors that were with that vitamin in the natural substance are gotten rid of in this process. So a crystalline vitamin is really not a natural vitamin. When a vitamin is synthetic, it means that it has been concocted in a laboratory by building the exact structure of the crystalline molecule, often with a toxic substance. So chemically, there is really no difference between a crystalline and a synthetically-derived vitamin. A good example of a synthetic vitamin is that of the B vitamins, which are made from petrochemicals. Yes, that's right, synthetic B vitamins are mostly coal tar derivatives! 'Natural' vitamins should be 100 percent whole food based with absolutely no synthetics. Watch out because vitamin manufacturers know that people prefer 'natural' vitamins, and they will often tout that on the label, and maybe even use a little bit of a whole food. However, that does not make the vitamin a safe, effective, whole food vitamin. What's Wrong With Taking Synthetic Vitamins? Supplements that are synthetic do not provide all the co-factors or other nutrients necessary for your body to fully utilize that supplement. In fact, since these co-factors are missing, your body will need to take them from somewhere else in order to make the synthetic vitamin work. This can create serious shortages, and may be why other problems often result. Because they do bring some much needed nutrients to your body, synthetic vitamins may cause you to feel better at first, but this will usually not last. When you take synthetic vitamins, especially if you are taking a high dose formula, this is seen by the body as more like taking a drug than taking a needed nutrient. This is probably why there are studies showing problems with taking high doses of certain vitamins (usually synthetic vitamins) like beta carotene causing cancer. Whole Food Supplements Many people, when first switching to whole food supplements, are wondering how they can get any benefit from them when they see how little of the nutrient is contained in one serving. However, you need to realize that the amount of the nutrient that you take is far less important than how much of it your body will actually be using. With whole food supplements, you have all the co-factors that nature put in the food to help you utilize that nutrient. As a result, you need far less of the whole food vitamin or mineral, often only a fraction of the synthetic amount, in order to have the same or an even greater effect. So even if you think you got a bargain on your vitamins, your body probably did not. Throw away all your cheap, synthetic vitamins and start taking 100 percent whole food vitamin supplements today!

About Author: Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural weight loss and more. Find out more by visiting EcoViva or The Truth About Vitamins.

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The Fat Burning Furnace - A Scientific Evaluation

Does the Fat Burning Furnace diet technique definitely workwork, or is it just an additional rip-off lengthy on promises and brief on outcomes? I set out to come across the truth.

Very first, I actually bought the plan. So you might be going to obtain the straight tale concerning the Fat Burning Furnace from someone who's truly skilled it, not only a re-write of somebody else's BS evaluation.

You must understand that I am a 60-ish overweight guy who has a Ph.D. in physiology, and was a faculty member in several of the most renowned health colleges within the nation. So, I really feel I've some experience to decide and study no matter whether the Fat Burning Furnace is just New Age mumbo-jumbo, or centered a real proven physiological ideas of how our bodies function.

I've been obese for a while-I'd really prefer to drop about forty lbs. And like you, dear reader, I've attempted a bunch of diet plan plans-of course with little good results.

Why? Mainly because these diets necessary my spouse and I to shop at “Whole Foods' kind stores and obtain a load of “alternative' herbs, spices, and vegetables only grown in Tanzania or some thing like that. Search, each my spouse and I work, and do not possess the time or interest in several hours getting ready foods, and cooking complicated dinners.

We also tried these meals exactly where you order a week's supply at a time, and then they deliver you the following week. Apart from becoming horrendously expensive, we continually received some we just did not like, and truthfully, most of them tasted like airline foods.

And bottom line, right after we weighed ourselves and measured our physique body fat and took photos, we took off a few kilos, in some cases as much as 10, but then the loss of body fat ceased, and we just couldn't keep all the work it took to figure out what foods to create, along with the time it took to create it.

So, when I heard about the Fat Burning Furnace, I was skeptical to say the least. First, I'm delighted to say that Rob Poulos, the designer of the Fat Burning Furnace, is genuine, and seriously does know his things. And it really is straightforward for somebody like me to appraise due to the fact his diet and physical exercise plan because it's not based on some rare Asian herb that no one's at any time heard of, a lot much less studied.

Secondly, the Fat Burning Furnace is according to sound physiological principles which relate straight to results on metabolic process and body fat reduction. I was pleased due to the fact most so-called “scientific data' cited in diet books is base on some laboratory fact which could be accurate, but doesn't relate to an effect on human physiology.

And thirdly, the Fat Burning Furnace focuses on Fat Reduction, not loss of body fat. Indeed, are we not interested in dropping the unsightly fat. I undoubtedly don't need to lose muscle or my valuable body H2O! Actually, in the event you seriously would like to be looking excellent, you would like to construct up your muscle and shed the body fat. And your pounds alteration may possibly not be as dramatic (muscle is denser than body fat), but you'll look excellent. And that is what it's all about, isn't it?

So, the research foundation for that Fat Burning Furnace is sound, and ought to function if a person practices it.

About Author: Here's how to get rid of a fat belly and an extra lose 50 pounds or more by employing a exclusive and revolutionary plan that takes away excess fat while you rest. Have a look at this Fat Burning Furnace, Today.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Are Organic Supplements Superior?

Are Organic Supplements Superior?

Well, if you are still buying synthetic vitamins, like most of the American public, you won't be finding any supplements that are organic - they're all just made in a lab. However, if you have done your research and are convinced that whole food supplements contain all the necessary co-factors your body needs to process them and are far superior to synthetic vitamins, we think you do need to search out organic ingredients in your vitamins. Most whole food supplements are concentrated because they are usually dried out and converted to a powder form and either put into a tablet or a capsule (and you should avoid tablets as they are often toxic and less absorbable). This concentrates the nutrients, but will also concentrate any toxins like pesticides or heavy metals. Organic foods have also been shown, in general, to have higher vitamin and mineral contents. So it is worth seeking out organic vitamins and minerals for your best health. Consider some of the following information: Organic Means More Minerals Not only do organic foods have fewer chemicals like pesticides in them, but they have been shown in many studies to have higher levels of various nutrients. An article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition studied the mineral content of organic vs conventionally grown apples, pears, wheat, potatoes and corn. In general, the organic foods in this study had much higher levels of minerals: Chromium was higher on average 78 percent Selenium 390 percent higher Calcium 63 percent higher Magnesium 138 percent higher Organic Means Fewer Toxic Metals In addition, this study showed that organic produce had much lower levels of toxic metals: Mercury levels were 25 percent lower Lead 29 percent lower Aluminum 40 percent lower Mercury, lead and aluminum are all toxic heavy metals with various dangers. Mercury can cause neurological problems, lead lowers IQ levels in children, and aluminum has been implicated in Alzheimer's. You want to avoid these heavy metals in your vitamins if at all possible. Organic Means Higher Vitamin Levels Other studies have compared vitamin levels of organic vs conventional foods. These studies showed that when certain pesticides were applied, it lowered some vitamin levels, especially the B and C complex vitamins and beta carotene. B and C and beta carotene are all known as antioxidants and are necessary for our bodies to properly deal with all the chemicals that we are exposed to in our environment today (hmm, perhaps the plants used up some of the vitamin B and vitamin C and beta carotene in order for them to deal with the onslaught of the pesticides). In any case, these studies would lead you to believe that eating organic foods and taking organic whole food supplements means in general getting higher levels of vitamins. Organic Means Fewer Pesticide Residues It goes without saying that there are fewer pesticide residues on organic foods, since pesticides are not being used on them. It is sad to say, however, that some pesticides are found even on organic foods because of pesticides in the water used for irrigation and from drift from adjacent fields. However, the amounts of pesticides are often significantly lower if the crop is grown organically. Only a very few supplement manufacturers actually go a step farther and test every batch of incoming ingredients for the absence of pesticide residues. It is worth it in our opinion to find vitamins made by these manufacturers. Why ingest a product designed to increase your health and vitality that has pesticides concentrated in it? Although it has been difficult to prove the adverse health benefits of consuming small amounts of pesticide residues on our foods, some people don't need a study to tell them that chemicals that kill living things are not good for them. Recent studies have shown a clear relationship between pesticides in women's fat cells and an increased risk of breast cancer. Although we cannot always control our breathing in chemicals or what is in our water (although air and water filters can help), we can choose to eat more organic food and to use organic food supplements so as to reduce our risk. So besides having a higher vitamin and mineral content, organic whole food supplements will be lower in toxins like heavy metals and pesticide residues. It is worth seeking out organic vitamins and minerals for your best health. Beyond Organic Vitamin Potency In addition to looking for organic ingredients in your supplements, you might want to hunt around for one that is made of highly potent ingredients. Depending on the richness of the soil in which it was grown, and how it was harvested and preserved, the nutrient content of various plants can vary by over 900 percent! This means you can get something that runs from barely containing the nutrient that you are looking for to something that is spectacularly potent. Always ask about how the ingredients were grown and harvested if the manufacturer doesn't discuss it. Look for vitamins that come from ingredients grown in a 'beyond organic' manner.

About Author: Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural body care and cleaning products, natural weight loss and more. Find out more by visiting EcoViva or The Truth About Vitamins.

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Melamine Plate, Melamine Cups and Childrens Cutlery Set

What’s so great about melamine? It doesn’t break, it’s cheap, it’s colourful and it’s easy to wash. In that order. What better thing is there than a melamine plate for kids mealtimes? You can even accessorise with melamine cups and a childrens cutlery set. According to the Scandinavian Children’s Store, ‘Kidsen’, which has been retailing the best in funky fashions and mealtime trends for little people since its recent inception, the best way to integrate kids into the everyday life of the family is to give them their own versions of everything adults use and make them fun – and one can’t find any fault with that logic at all.

The melamine plate is the absolute ideal meal time accessory for any child. Because melamine is so easy to colour, a melamine plate tends to be brightly decorated – either with strong vibrant colours, fun animals and food pictures or with children’s favourite characters from books and TV. The colours alone, on both plates and melamine cups, are enough to get the child interested in the whole act of meal time: enough, in fact, that simply moving the food around to get a better look at what is on the plate underneath can be enough to kick start an eating habit. The melamine plate is great for weaning.

Childrens cutlery sets are important when weaning too. Obviously, a child can’t have a proper cutlery set – for one, it’s plainly too dangerous, and for two it’s too big. Using child’s cutlery, again, brings an element of fun and discovery to the process of meal time. All kids love to mimic adults – that’s how they learn and grow. Using the melamine plate and the kids cutlery makes that all happen: the children are using objects that are like the adult eating equipment, but still fun and safe enough to make them want to use them repeatedly. Not to mention the fact that childrens cutlery sets, melamine plate and melamine cups also distinctly mark the eating equipment as the child’s own – giving him or her a sense of belonging to the environment, which using adult gear can never do. When a child uses an adult plate instead of a melamine plate, he or she is conscious that he or she is almost trespassing in an adult world; when the same child uses a melamine plate and not adult eating gear, he or she feels validated. It’s all about drawing the line between mimicking and pretending: children’s cutlery, melamine plate and melamine cups allow a child to mimic and learn, whereas using adult cutlery and so on would make the same child feel that he or she is just pretending to do adult things.

It’s bright, it’s fun and it’s safe – melamine is also easy to wash, which is ideal when dealing with the incorrigible mess a child will happily make at every meal time. It bounces, too – and anyone who’s ever tried to teach a child to eat for him or her self can tell a thousand stories about how useful it would have been to have a bouncing plate! Let them learn naturally, and with fun. Get a melamine plate, some melamine cups and a children’s cutlery set.

About Author: The children’s cutlery set, the melamine plate and the melamine cup – a parent’s three most valuable weapons in the weaning arsenal.Rice melamine cups, plates and cutlery available in a range of colours. Perfect for kids, but great for adults too.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

From a Nurse: Using Coconut Oil as an Effective Acne Treatment

From a Nurse: Using Coconut Oil as an Effective Acne Treatment

Sometimes one has to resort to alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits and pimple problems. And often it's a better choice, due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products. It should always be the first type of treatment to consider when you want to take the best care of your skin. One of the best things I've found to heal acne is extra virgin coconut oil. It works better than acne creams, which are usually chemical-laden products, or acne medicines, whether for babies, teens or adults. Make sure you're working on eliminating the cause of your acne, which we won't go into here. Extra virgin coconut oil has helped many to help heal their acne. Ultimately, of course, the immune system and body do the healing if you were to do nothing, but coconut oil can speed up the process. The coconut oil actually penetrates the skin and helps the body get rid of the impurities, and therefore acne, while the toxins are expelled from the skin. The skin should show improvement in a few weeks with continued application. One teenager had used prescription medicines for three to four years for his acne and they didn't work. He tried coconut oil and it cleared up with just a few applications. Some teens and adults find their acne actually worsens for a few days, which is actually the body getting rid of its impurities. Then it completely clears up. By continuing to apply the coconut oil, it helps prevent acne recurrences. If you also have eczema it'll treat eczema too. And it's better than most eczema products on the market today. Often people find they have both eczema and acne. You want to make sure you get the extra virgin type of coconut oil that is not refined, bleached or deodorized. You can order it online. And whole food-type markets are now carrying more coconut oil, in pint and quart jars and especially the extra virgin coconut oil. Get the organic kind if you can. Coconut oil has many benefits; it heals or cures many other skin conditions and skin disorders too, besides making the skin soft and smooth. I use it for everything including as a make-up remover and under my foundation. My skin is always soft, silky, smooth, and free of rashes, bumps, blemishes, blisters, etc. It stops itching and flaking too. Coconut oil is very inexpensive, therefore, a good, cheap home remedy. Keep it around to treat any other skin problem. It's actually healthy to eat too. It's a plant saturated fat, not an animal saturated fat. I add two big tablespoons to my smoothies, to help my skin from the inside out, and have been doing so for many years. Although we refer to it as coconut oil, it isn't actually oily until the temperature climbs above 77 degrees. It can be applied when it is oily or non-oily. For an acne treatment, first apply the extra virgin coconut oil to a small test area. Try it on this test area for a few days. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil and massage it deep into the skin. You can heat it if you like but you don't have to. Do this every morning. Depending on how severe the acne is, apply it three or four times a day or more and especially at bedtime. Remember the complexion may get worse at first as the body gets rid of the impurities from the skin. It's important to keep the area moist with coconut oil. You may have to soak a bandage with the oil and apply it loosely to your skin. Also you can expose the area to direct sunlight for 20 minutes or so each day. You'll get your daily dose of vitamin D that way too. Many have used coconut oil as a treatment to cure or heal their acne, including teens, adults and babies too. It just takes motivation, a willingness to try it, and diligent application of coconut oil several times daily and at bedtime. And you should be able to get rid of your acne, zits and pimples and their symptoms, providing you've removed the cause, so it doesn't reoccur. Continue using coconut oil and the benefits of good, clear skin, free of acne should be your reward.

About Author: For more information on coconut oil acne treatment and acne scar treatment, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens and babies, including information on best acne treatments

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Super Foods for Flat Abs

Super Foods for Flat Abs

It's no secret that a well-balanced diet of whole foods is that the key to leading a lean and healthy life. With the roller coaster of fad diets, health studies released nearly daily, and celebrities invading your living room TV with their tales of miracle weight loss, it is no wonder that Americans are confused concerning what to eat.

When unsure, try to avoid eating anything that comes out of a box. If a product has more than six or seven ingredients in it, it is doubtless that a number of those ingredients will contain chemicals and preservatives. It's best to eat whole foods, as shut to their natural type as possible. By doing this, you can fight obesity, addictions to straightforward sugars and carbs, and help you stop a number of diseases related to poor diet. Your midsection, and your entire body can thank you.

So you know you ought to be eating whole foods to assist you battle the bulge, however which ones? Are there any super foods for flat abs? Dr. Russ paints an ideal sketch of the diet and super foods for flat abs and smart health. He suggests the following because the super foods for flat abs and excellent nutrition furthermore a satisfying meal course.

1. Oatmeal: If you have issues managing your cholesterol levels, this food is just the correct choice for you. Oatmeal is as tasty as it is nutritious with its complicated carbohydrates, and cholesterol fighting skills, your body will certainly benefit. An excellent food like this can be perfect to kick-begin your day, and keep you energized and focused till mid-day.

2. Organic Berries: These fruits are jam-choked with fiber, manganese and phytochemicals that job as antioxidants. Also, vitamin-C is one terribly necessary constituent and makes it an ideal staple for a health-involved wholesome diet. Berries not in season? Don't be afraid to venture into the frozen food isle for organic berries. These fruits are typically picked and frozen at their best, and are good to be incorporated in cereals, smoothies and that they conjointly work great as a quick snack.

3. Yogurt or kefir: Yogurt contains live organisms and probiotics, to help keep your digestive system on track. Since abundant of your immune system depends on your digestive track, it is important to form positive you've got cultivated an setting of good bacteria in your body that can facilitate keep your immune system strong. As a brilliant food for flat abs, it additionally helps pregnant mothers and Dr. Russ recommends yogurt and yogurt-primarily based product as stellar health helpers.

4. Organic Broccoli: Anti-cancer elements (like indole-3 carbinol) are the most effective part of consuming broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. These vegetables help rid your body of stubborn fat. Each adults and children stand to learn from consuming this super food for flat abs.

5. Wild Caught Salmon: This recent water fish is replete with omega-three fatty acids and alternative essential fatty acids that help keep you healthy and lean. Fish oils help in decreasing cardiovascular (an inflammatory) malfunctions. Hence, they too are an important part of the super foods for flat abs, in step with Dr. Russ and Dr. Stu.

6. Organic Orange Juice: A daily glass of OJ is the simplest method to consume calcium. It's higher to dilute the juice to decrease the consequences of high sugar in the juice. It's additionally a defend against respiratory and skin problems. Make sure the OJ is organic, which it undoubtedly contains no high fructose corn syrup. I'd additionally add citrus fruit to your diet for its liver detoxifying ability.

7. Tomato: These contain lycopene, a preventive tool against prostate cancer in men. Colon cancer and cardiovascular disorders will help to be prevented in women with the help of tomatoes. A very little bit of cheese or alternative fat sources complement and enhance the attractive traits of tomatoes.

8. Organic Almonds and Almond Butter: As Dr. Russ and Dr. Stu suggest it as a smart substitute for peanut butter, almonds and almond butter embody healthier doses of fatty acids. They're good for fiber, vitamin E, calcium and alternative essential nutrient sources.

9. Organic Whole or a pair of% Milk: It is vital to consume organic milk, thus you'll be able to avoid consuming unnecessary hormones that are common in non-organic milk. A small amount of fat in your milk can help you absorb vital nutrients and vitamins. Some studies recommend that regular consumption of dairy will help slim your waistline.

These super foods for flat abs not solely help in maintaining glorious health but conjointly are great tools to acquire flat abs as well.

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Writers Cafe has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Back Pain, you can also check out his latest website about:

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Monday, August 5, 2013

The Best Way to Gain Weight Without Getting Fat

The Best Way to Gain Weight Without Getting Fat

For guys its not bulk body builder weight, even though you could because we make more testosterone. For ladies it would be more like Jennifer Garner or Angelina Jolie. You have to slow your metabolism a little so maybe dont do as much cardio activity and increase the intensity of your resistance (weights) workouts. Proteins will help you build muscle but don't overdo it, meaning don't go stock up on peanut butter and tuna cans. Only so much protein can be used by your body a day the rest goes undigested to a degree. Its important to eat proteins after weight workouts. Also make sure you get your proteins from vegetables as well as meats. Yes vegetables, you would be surprised how many bodybuilders are vegetarians. Legumes (beans), Leafy green vegetables have proteins as well as whole grains (rice). When eaten in combination vegetables and whole grains containing proteins can form whats called a complete protein which is better used by your body to build muscle. Building muscle in your workouts requires high intensity resistance training, so if you haven't been lifting weights build up to it gradually. Taking longer rests between your sets will allow more muscle fibers to be built, and drink plenty of water. As far as supplements go, everything God put on this earth for you to eat works just as well as any supplement. All supplements do is try to give you what you can get from your food and give you results you get from hard work and smart eating. A good multivitamin is just about all you need as far as supplements go. Weight gain supplements have way to many side effects to be worth it. There are certain foods that are beneficial and certain you should avoid. # Drink sufficient pure water -- your weight divided by 2 = ounces per day. Take fluids between meals, using reverse osmosis purified water, unsweetened juices, and herbal beverages. Try liquid chlorophyll in pure water, it is delicious and refreshing! # *A minimum of 50% of your food should be alive -- fresh, raw, unprocessed. Dead food cannot build strong bodies. Eat foods in season and foods that can spoil. (But eat them before they spoil, of course!)More is preferable! # *Eliminate foods used in a microwave. Try to eliminate using the microwave for anything you eat or drink. # *Eliminate processed sugars and white flour and any foods that contains these; i.e., read labels. Substitute whole grain foods for white -- stone ground whole wheat, brown rice, etc. # *Avoid all stimulants. They are very hard on the adrenal glands. (Coffee, cigarettes, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, aspirin, black tea -- herbal (green, jasmine, chamomille, etc.) tea acceptable.) # *It is easier on your digestive system if you eat fruit by itself. Fruit digests faster than any other type of food. Starches and proteins do not combine well either. # *Eat two-thirds of your daily food intake before mid-afternoon if possible. It is best to use protein in the morning and at noon, not in the evening. # *Eliminate fried foods of all kinds -- grill, bake, roast, or steam instead. # *Avoid products sweetened with high fructose corn syrup -- this does a real number on your blood sugar and in excess causes belly fat # *Avoid using Splenda, Nutrasweet or any other artificial sweetners containing Aspartame and Sucralose for they are harmful to the body. Avoid using products sweetened with these dangerous chemicals. # *Avoid pork and any product containing pork -- lunch meats, hot dogs, ham, bacon, sausage, etc. Experts feel that the parasites in pork are heat-resistant. # *Do not use aluminum cookware. # *Replace table salt with Vegetable Seasoning Broth, kelp or B-Salt. Table salt -- sodium chloride -- is an imbalanced chemical which can cause health problems. # *Replace red meat with fish or fowl whenever possible. # *Substitute leaf lettuce -- Romaine, red or green leaf, or butter for head lettuce which has very little food value and is toxic in the colon. # Try to add cultured products, natural yogurt & keifer (not sweetened) to your diet to help your digestive system. Also add acidophilus supplements to your regimen to increase friendly bacteria in your intestines and support your immune system. # Eat Organic food whenever possible #*70% of your daily food intake should be selected from alkaline-forming list. 30% from the acid-forming list. To accomplish this, you may have: 5 vegetables* 2 fruits 2 starches -- or -- 1 starch 1 protein 2 proteins Acid - Forming Foods Meat Fowl Eggs Bread Nuts Citrus juices Fish Cheese Rice Grains (cereal) Sugar Alkali - Forming Foods Fruit juices/except citrus Vegetable juices Raw Honey Soybeans Potatoes *Liquid Chlorophyll - Chloropyll may be used as a vegetable. Goat milk sprouted seeds

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