Saturday, August 10, 2013

Are Synthetic Vitamins Making You Sicker?

Most vitamin supplements that are available in the market today, even in health food stores, are not natural, whole food based, but are synthetic, even if they are labeled 'natural'! What exactly does that mean, synthetic, and what's wrong with synthetic? First, let's explain a few terms: crystalline, synthetic and natural vitamins. When a vitamin says it is 'crystalline,' it means that a food was used as its original source, (so the label often says 'natural' vitamin), but then chemicals like solvents were used to turn it into a pure crystalline vitamin. All the other co-factors that were with that vitamin in the natural substance are gotten rid of in this process. So a crystalline vitamin is really not a natural vitamin. When a vitamin is synthetic, it means that it has been concocted in a laboratory by building the exact structure of the crystalline molecule, often with a toxic substance. So chemically, there is really no difference between a crystalline and a synthetically-derived vitamin. A good example of a synthetic vitamin is that of the B vitamins, which are made from petrochemicals. Yes, that's right, synthetic B vitamins are mostly coal tar derivatives! 'Natural' vitamins should be 100 percent whole food based with absolutely no synthetics. Watch out because vitamin manufacturers know that people prefer 'natural' vitamins, and they will often tout that on the label, and maybe even use a little bit of a whole food. However, that does not make the vitamin a safe, effective, whole food vitamin. What's Wrong With Taking Synthetic Vitamins? Supplements that are synthetic do not provide all the co-factors or other nutrients necessary for your body to fully utilize that supplement. In fact, since these co-factors are missing, your body will need to take them from somewhere else in order to make the synthetic vitamin work. This can create serious shortages, and may be why other problems often result. Because they do bring some much needed nutrients to your body, synthetic vitamins may cause you to feel better at first, but this will usually not last. When you take synthetic vitamins, especially if you are taking a high dose formula, this is seen by the body as more like taking a drug than taking a needed nutrient. This is probably why there are studies showing problems with taking high doses of certain vitamins (usually synthetic vitamins) like beta carotene causing cancer. Whole Food Supplements Many people, when first switching to whole food supplements, are wondering how they can get any benefit from them when they see how little of the nutrient is contained in one serving. However, you need to realize that the amount of the nutrient that you take is far less important than how much of it your body will actually be using. With whole food supplements, you have all the co-factors that nature put in the food to help you utilize that nutrient. As a result, you need far less of the whole food vitamin or mineral, often only a fraction of the synthetic amount, in order to have the same or an even greater effect. So even if you think you got a bargain on your vitamins, your body probably did not. Throw away all your cheap, synthetic vitamins and start taking 100 percent whole food vitamin supplements today!

About Author: Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural weight loss and more. Find out more by visiting EcoViva or The Truth About Vitamins.

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